COMING 4th of JULY … Plan now to wear your RED, WHITE, and BLUE and join BCP staff and families for the Lake Oswego 4th of July Parade. We will be marching in the parade with our Bethlehem Preschool banner and would love to have you walk, ride your bike, scooter, or kid cars, or ride in a wagon on the parade route. We will be throwing candy, blowing bubbles, and waving to our Lake Oswego friends.
The parade staging area will be at Lake Garden Court (off Iron Mountain Blvd). Entry to that area will be right off Country Club Road. You will not be able to enter off Iron Mtn. Blvd.
The staging area will open at 9 am, so join us anytime between 9:15-10 am. The parade begins PROMPTLY at 10 am. The parade will follow Iron Mtn. Blvd to Chandler and then follow ‘A’ Avenue down to Millennium Plaza Park where there will be many 4th of July activities for all ages!
We will have a sign-up on bloomz coming soon. We will also be collecting candy at BCP to throw to the crowd during the parade.
We hope to see you there!